As I celebrate my 2nd wedding anniversary and my 1st anniversary of being in the blog world, I am able to reflect on all the changes life has brought to me. Though great changes, they left me not blogging as often as I would love. In my second year I would love for that to change and my goal is to share the field I love more and more. I'll begin by sharing one of the many exciting opportunities I've had this past year.
For those who know me, I often make the joke about how much "I love butts"; well, working on a spinal cord unit allows my love for butts to blossom into full fruition. Throughout the last 6 months I have had the opportunity to work with, and learn, from several wound certified clinicians. Pressure sores ("bed sores"), moisture associated wounds, and wounds from friction and sheer are unfortunately not lacking among my population; I have been lucky enough to take part in helping manage and prevent these wounds during my work week. I've also had the opportunity to brainstorm and create some awesome custom cushions... with that I mean, COMMODE CUSHIONS! Take a look...